Review of Professional Management
issue front

p. PramchandBabu1,V. Hemanth Kumar2, andK. Maran3

First Published 30 Jun 2007.
Article Information Volume 5, Issue 1 January-June-2007

1Professor - Management Studies, S.K. University

2Lecturer - Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engg

3Professor - Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engg.


In the recent walks of work life, the much spoken and worried about subject among men and women is to have a balanced living, in the midst of work and personal pressures. Alnrost each and every individual is prone to the ever spreading syndrome called 'Stress'. Especially the working professionals in the field of Information Technology are much affected by stress due to their hectic work schedule and prolonged working hours and many more to quote... In this juncture, the organizations are very much keen in taking care of their employees by taking up utmost measures to reduce and control stress levels of the employees. The Stress Management Training (SMT) programme is one of the current hot and hard to talk concept, which still awaits for better and better solutions for numerous work life stressors. This paper brings in the current scenario of Stress Management Training at the IT Amis and vitality of having an effective SMT that is really beneficial to the employees and the organsiation. It deals with the types of stress and stressors, its sources. The consequences of stress, and how it affects the individual physically, psychologically and behaviorally. The essentials of an effective Stress Management Programme, and the general critics which in tum reveals the vital areas of focus and new methods to practice in the training programmes.

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