1Faculty Member Department of Business Economics (MBE), VBS Purvanchal University
In the transport generating organization or even in other service generating organizations, it is pertinent that the users are given due weightage. The different categories of users use the services with different motives. The general users like safe, time-honoured and economic services and like this, the industrial or organizational users also prefer qualit/ and fast services even if they are asked to pay more. In India both public and private sectors have been found offering transportatron services to the general and industrial users. Road transportation is the second largest after railway and in India the State Road Transport Corporations are providing road transportation services. They have gone far reaching changes after independence and both public and private management are engaged in the transportation of man and material. SRTCs have challenges from the private players. The present study is an attempt to understand the services rendered by State Road Transport Corporation and evaluate the peribrmance of these services as perceived by the passengers.