Review of Professional Management
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Radha Thevannoor 1, N.Rajagopal2

First Published 30 Jun 2008.
Article Information Volume 6, Issue 1 Jan-June-2008

1Director of SCMS School of Technology and Management (SSTM)

2Associate Professor of the same institute.


Work-life balance has been cited as a standard measurement of quality of life in any organization. Simple definition of work-life balance is "a perceived balance between work and rest of life" (Guest, 2001). The issue as such emerged as the natural outcome of the developments at workplace, which later became a policy issue in the organisations. The "traditional' work model that allows women to stay at home and men to work has been changed since 1950s (Lingard, 2005). This results in structural changes of the composition of work-life balance too.

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