Review of Professional Management
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Faisal Ahmed1, Anju Kohli2 , Prabhat Pankaj3

First Published 30 Jun 2009.
Article Information Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-June-2009

1Research Scholar. Deparimeni of Economics, University College of Social Science

2Professor and Head, Deparimeni of Economics

3Professor of Economics at IILM


India and the GCC states have long shared cordial relations both in the economic as well as political front. The paper estimates India 's export potential to 83 trading partners of India (spread across 10 Regional Trading Agreements). The first part of the paper discusses the origin and geo-ecQnomic strength of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and its relation with India. GCC comprises of six states including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The second part of the paper presents the gravity model predictors and makes a literature review of the usage of this model. The augmented form of this model as used in this study along with the findings of this paper as per the model estimates have been presented in the third part of this paper The focus of the analysis is on ascertaining India 's export potential to the GCC states.

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