1Reader, Dept ofCommerce and Management, HNB University, Garhwal (Tehri campus) Garhwal (Uttarakhand) , 2Research Scholar Dept of Commerce and Management, HNB University, Garhwal (Tehri Campus) Garhwal (Uttarakhand)
Service quality has become a significant differeritiator and the most powerful competitive weapon, which all the service organization wants to possess. Banking being at present one of the competitive sectors, the sector needs improve on the quality of services that they are offering to the customer. This research study focuses on an empirical assessment of service quality perception through SERVPERF scale in the mind of customers', particularly ihe relative importance of the functional service quality dimensions of the Indian banking sector The .study is based on the customer survey through structured questionnaire which comprises 29 quality parameter from five (Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Reliability and Empathy) different dimension of service quality. The data were collected on bipolar semantic differential scale.