1Senior Professor & Area Chairperson (International Business & Strategy), Asia-Pacific Institute of Management. 3&4, Institutional Area
The term 'Six-Sigma 'is a reference to a particular goal of reducing defects to near zero. Statistically speaking, the concept of Six-Sigma broadly implies the processes involved in a system that are working nearly perfectly, delivering only 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO). 'Six Sigma 'principle-based management is to be able to measure the extent and nature of defects in a process fairly accurately and systematically find the way-outs to eliminate them. A more rational approach to determine the Sigma level would be to calculate how many defects occur compared to the number of opportunities in the product or service. Design for Six-Sigma (DFSS) involves a business process focused mainly on improving profitability. When properly applied, DFSS generates the right kind and mix of products and services at right time at right cost. Using Si.x-Sigma, organizations can significantly improve their core processes together with core competency, which, in turn, will improve their product and sen'ice delivery. To be consistent, and deliver quality product and sendees is what ultimately translates into organizational credibility. It also facilitates its transformation to strategic partners at eveiy step with the customer - thus enhancing long-term value in a sustainable manner The paper highlights some of the cardinal features and characteristics of six-sigma with focus on its basic ingredients. Tools for measurement of optimization, process design/ redesign. Complemented by illustrative case studies in electronics, energy, power, automobiles, software ,chemicals, defense and healthcare sector (Key words: Six-Sigma applications, DFSS, Benchmarking, Corporate leadership & excellence)