Review of Professional Management
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P Kanagasabapathi1, G Narasimha Raghavan2

First Published 30 Jun 2009.
Article Information Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-June-2009

1Lecturer in Economics ./ansons School of Business Dept. of Economics PSG College of Arts & Science


At the end of the last millennia, Peter Drucker remarked perspicaciously that: "Only yesterday most of the tasks today's organisations dischiarge were supposed to tye done by the famiiy. The family educated its members. It took care of the old and the sick. It found work for members who needed it... These tasks can be accomplished only by a truly autonomous institution...". This statement is redolent of a very significant element of the Indian business ethic, namely, the cardinal status of the distinctive "family business" model. After all, one can deny the author's assertion that "Many of the industrial and business centres of India, run by the family based non-corporate sector, are emerging crucial to the global businesses" (p.2), only at one's own risk. Aimed at students of management and economics, the book, Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management, by Kanagasabapathi, a teacher of long experience, and an adept researcher at heart, intends to reveal "\..that most of the Indian models are quite different, much simpler, more sustainable and designed for better result^'{Preface).

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