1Faculty, Prestige Institute o f Management and Research
2Faculty, Prestige Institute o f Management and Research
3Professor and Director, Prestige Institute o f Management
Globalization has resulted in increased competition due to entry o f various global and local players in Indian market. The increasing level o f competition and technology advancements has compelled companies to reconsider their marketing strategies. The recent advancement in marketing communication has significantly influenced the advertisement world. The impact o f advertising can be observed on determinants like Individual characteristics, social and cultural influences, situational variables etc. This paper experimentally examined the impact o f TV and Print media advertising on buying behavior o f customers in varied age groups and marital status. A schedule was prepared in order to investigate influencing factors involved in the buying decision o f the customers. The study revealed that advertisements significantly affect varied age groups, people in different marital status thereby showing considerable impact on their buying behavior. This study can be helpful to advertisers, agencies and advertising researchers in order to achieve advertising effectiveness.