Review of Professional Management
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Hemraj Verma1, PankajMadan2

First Published 30 Jun 2010.
Article Information Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan-June-2010

1Assistant Professor, Department o f Management Studies

2Reader, Gurukul Kangri University


Customer perception about retail store attributes has widely been recognized as an important determinant o f store choice and store patronage. Most o f these studies have found a direct relationship between them. Although, a number o f studies have been conducted on customer perceptions in the past but majority o f these studies have been conducted in the markets o f developed countries o f West and Europe. And to apply those findings in Indian context without testing them would be a great folly. In this study, customer perceptions have been captured across new retail formats and different demographic characteristics o f Indian customers. In total, 150 Customers visiting II stores belonging to formats in Dehradun region were administered a structured questionnaire through store intercept method to measure store attribute importance. The present study on store Attribute perceptions in Indian context is very much timely and o f great relevance to apparel retailers in specific and to academicians in general.

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