1Asst Professor (Finance) Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Technology
During recent years, Indian Capital Market is experiencing too much volatility. Post Subprime crisis led the world economy to unfortunate events such as great recession and debt crisis. India is definitely influenced by global economic trends due to integration with the world economy. Yet, the post global crisis era for Indian stock market has been more critical as compared to that in the crisis period. In such a capricious condition, the trend in stock prices is tough to judge. The Stock Price Behavior is always a divisive issue and many even in the financial community could not fully comprehend this. Indian economy is going through the critical phase when investment is unable to create wealth. The recession that has been afflicted in both world as well as Indian economy has increased the volatility of returns on stocks creating panic among investors. Presently, new financial instruments are introduced in the stock market to generate incentives to the investor. This paper attempts to analyse issues related to new investment instruments from the point of view of the investors’ risk perceptions in the new investment environment. The innovative invest avenues always provide a better returns if invested properly. Although new trends are set in the market, it is too early to predict any change in the market trend.