1New Delhi Institute of Management 60, 50(B &C) Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi-110062
Environment friendly green marketing has become a subject of discussion. Companies are constantly trying to find the best ways to reach customers with their green messages. Green revolution, going green, environmental protection, sustainable life style, sustainable development, protecting our earth and many more have become a natural phenomenon in our everyday life. The aim of this study is to find out how consumer behaviour is influenced by Green Marketing Strategies of Companies. This research took place in Faridabad district in Haryana during June-July, 2012. A questionnaire was designed to find out how people perceive Green Marketing and how aware they are of the “environmental contribution” made by companies through this marketing. The research question “Whether or not the purchasing behaviour of consumers is affected if companies go green” was administered to sample consumers. Findings suggest that companies need to increase their communication with the customers ongoing green. Attributes like price and quality are found to be more important than “environmental responsibility”.