Review of Professional Management
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Himanshu Shekhar Singh1, Shivani Kapoor2

First Published 30 Jun 2012.
Article Information Volume 10 Issue 1 (January-June-2012)

1Associate Professor, R.M.L. University Avadh

2Assistant Professor, NDIM


The future of any organization depends on the strategic use of their human resources irrespective of the size and domain of the industry. The research in this field is new and focuses on the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in today’s competitive work environment. The paper in an attempt to review literature, discusses various definitions that have evolved in SHRM over a period of time. This review work shows that there is diversity over the meaning of Strategic Human Resource Management Practice in the literature.


Strategic Human Resource Management ( SHRM), Organisational Performance, Effectiveness.

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