1Assistant Professor , 2Assistant Professor , 3Assistant Professor, Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore: 452010
Information technology has brought about a revolution in the banking industry. Availability of technology such as ICT as well as the increase in the competition in financial services have compelled banking sector to reconsider improving their operational efficiency and marketing strategies. This paper is an attempt to identify the impact of various IT based services offered by public and private sector banks on customers. Using questionnaire method , the study investigates factors that have framed perceptions of customers on IT based services offered by both types of banks. Then, Anova tests are carried out to find whether or not perceptions of customers on two groups of banks i.e. public and private banks for providing IT based services are significantly different. Anova tests are also generated on gender bias of perceptions of the male / female group of customers on the provision of IT based services and levels significance have been listed. This study can be helpful to planners, policy makers, bankers and those who are interested in the study of banking sector