Review of Professional Management
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Micheal Sony1, Nandakumar Mekoth2

First Published 30 Jun 2012.
Article Information Volume 10 Issue 1 (January-June-2012)

1Maintenance Engineer 220kV EHV Substation,

2Dean and Head, Faculty of Management Studies


This case study is an analysis from an academic research perspective. In the intention of authors is to focus on the functioning of Goa Electricity Board. In the detail analysis of segment dealing with customers of electricity Department, authors found that frontline employees not only require technical skills but also they need to have understanding of interpersonal negotiation skills. Lack of this may lead to delays, harassments and even tensions. Since the linesman deal with the customer directly and electricity is the essential service product, the quality of service will definitely improve if the employees of this segment gets training in communication and negotiation skills. The authors do not intend to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of any situation. The authors have changed names and other identifiable information for confidentiality

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