Review of Professional Management
issue front

Vijit Chaturvedi1

First Published 30 Jun 2015.
Article Information Volume 13 Issue 1 January-June-2015

1Head and Associate Professor Lingaya’s University, Faridabad


The personality and the ethics of academicians play relevant and Pivotal influence on performamnce and success of academic institutions as well as their students. The present paper attempts to study empirically the five traits of personality and the impact of each on ethical behavior based on the sample collected from 250 academicians working in different management colleges in Faridabad region. It also studies the impact of different demographic factors on ethical behavior and finally establishes the fact, using different statistical tools like correlation, regression that the predictor five traits of personality viz Extraversion, agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Openness play significant roles in determining the ethical behavior of the faculty members. It has also been established that different traits play different role according as age, income group, gender and work experience. .The study helps in developing an insight among faculty members to assess the impact and role of these traits in their work behavior, learning , teaching and other skills. The study also provides guidelines how each of these traits can help them effectively contributing towards growth of students, institutions and society at large.

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