Review of Professional Management
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Akhilesh Tilotia1,  Prof. (Dr.) Arati Basu2

First Published 30 Jun 2015.
Article Information Volume 13 Issue 1 January-June-2015

2Professor New Delhi Institute of Management New Delhi


This is one of delightful books to read on Indian Economy in recent years. The author took 5 years to complete. Materials of the book are from intensive research & travel all over India in connection with his job assignment with Kotak Security Private limited. Time provided to write the book and insights developed through experiencing India from every events occurring during the period of research, make the book valuable for all of us. An Investment Banker, trained at IIM Ahmedabad as an MBA student and then worked with Boston consultancy group, Kotak Mahinder Group as well as the co-founder of Park Financial Advisors, used a very different framework of research. This makes the book interesting reading and source of rich information. The preface of the book written by the author himself , is a look at socio economic transitions that have taken place in day to day lives of Indian citizen reflecting economic growth and development taking place simultaneously and making each as imperative for other. He then, developed an analytical framework to interlink various transitions- such as social changes, attitude changes especially towards women, changes in the way of dresses and living, - to usher in economic and demographic changes influencing “Making of India” in this century.

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