Review of Professional Management
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Amita Charan1 , Ekta Bansal2

First Published 31 Dec 2016.
Article Information Volume 14 Issue 2 July-December-2016

1Assistant Professor JDMC, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India , 2Assistant Professor, JDMC, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India


Marketing is now not confined to physical distribution and promotion of products in this 21 century. Now, it has became essential to use social media platforms just to maintain their presence in the market. "Digital Marketing” is termed to promot products through social media platforms. Every company is striving towards their brand image and product promotion with the tool of digital marketing and for this they all are making use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more in this row. If success is really needed in today’s competitive senario, each marketer must be ready to fight for and engaged customers regularly. Technology and various platforms which are available through digital marketing platform made it easy for the markerter to avail opportunities for customer engagement. In this paper, an attempt is made to analyse the impact of digital marketing communication on promotion of products and various factors which are contributing towards the growth of digital marketing. We have considered here only two social media platforms for our study i.e. Facebook and Twitter

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