Review of Professional Management
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Harshita Singh1

First Published 30 Jun 2016.
Article Information Volume 14, Issue 1 January-June-2016

1Management Development Institute, Gurgaon


Competitive pressures created by liberalization and globalization of Indian economy have a significant impact on the nature of Employee Relations in India (ER). But there are very few studies on the changing pattern of Employee Relations in India since independence. The aim of this paper is to review various researches relating to emerging trends, paradigms and methodologies of Employee Relations (ER) research in India in past two decades. The primary information source is a search of electronic databases. Most of the research papers on ERs in India are conceptual in nature and there is a lack of empirical research in this topic. The major conclusion is that the academic literature on ER in India is relatively theoretical and exploratory in nature and that the design and substance of the research studies are weak. With regard to themes, there are a number of foci in the literature with only scant attention paid to the central concerns in this field.

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