1 Department of Economics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
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The main objective of public transport is to convey more people in much less space than individual automobiles and help in reducing traffic congestion as well as air pollution from vehicles. It also relieves riders of the stress that come from daily driving in congested areas. The present study took a case study of SRTUs (State Road Transport Undertakings) of Haryana Roadways and found out which factors affect their performance during study periods. It also analyses the performance of traffic and accidents rate in the state. To evaluate the physical and financial performance of the Haryana Roadways LGR (Linear growth rate) and ordinary least square techniques are adopted and the annual average growth of each variable during 2009–2010 to 2017–2018 with the help of SPSS is found. In the financial aspect, the result reveals that Haryana Roadways goes running into a loss environment. The physical aspects revealed that fleet utilisation, vehicle utilisation, or load factor are decreased and negatively affect the physical performance of Haryana Roadways, but Staff productivity or effective kilometre per day contributes to a positive trend. The findings suggest that appropriate policy initiatives or operational research are required for these undertakings to be transformed into profit-making SRTUs in India.
Haryana roadways, public transport, physical and financial performance
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