Review of Professional Management
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Prof.(Dr.) Arati Basu1

First Published 31 Dec 2016.
Article Information Volume 14 Issue 2 July-December-2016



New Year Greetings to all our readers! This year will be milestone in history for various changes of directions both nationally and internationally. USA is moving towards more conservative economic policies of protectionism, and job reservation for her own people. India in the midst of high rate of growth, has demonetized its highest denomination of currencies as a drive against black and counterfeit money. While success of the policy can be evaluated only at a later date, India is steadily pushed towards digital economy as its side effects. Utmost concern is how India can be completely a digital economy when 26 percent of population is illiterate? Most of these people are the part of informal economy depended on cash for trade and daily transactions. Also, security of transactions is utmost important for success of a digital economy.

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