Review of Professional Management
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Babita Kundu1

First Published 30 Jun 2017.
Article Information Volume 15 Issue 1 January-June-2017

1Senior Research Fellow Department of Accountancy & Law (Faculty of Commerce) Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed University, Agra


Value creation and its communication are main objectives of any business while value of a company depends on various aspects i.e. financial, non-financial, tangible and intangible. It is easy to measure value in terms of financial and tangible factors but difficult in terms of intangible and non - financial factors. Integrated reporting provides a solution for this problem. The concept of 6 capitals - Financial capital, manufacturing capital, human capital and social and relational capital. Intellectual capital and natural capital - is introduced in the Integrated Reporting Framework to create and communicate value. This study is an attempt to investigate about the integrated reporting and its role to create & communicate value in Tata Steel. The analysis is based on Annual Reports of Tata Steel for the financial year 20II-I2, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16. Tata steel is the first Indian companies introduced Integrated Reporting Framework in its annual report. The trend analysis, CAGR are used as research tools to know about the created value of Tata Steel through six capital. Results of this study show that there is a fluctuating trend in terms o f performance of the company

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