Review of Professional Management
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Rekha1 , Gayatri2

First Published 30 Jun 2017.
Article Information Volume 15 Issue 1 January-June-2017

1Assistant Professor, Marketing, BCIPS, Dwarka, Delhi,

2Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi.


Digital technologies have created remarkable effects on communication, promotion, branding and importantly consumer behaviour. Consumers in the marketplace are getting accustomed to myriad digital tools, technologies and channels. Marketers irrespective o f size, type and industry are increasing their digital spend as this medium offers more return on investment compared to traditional marketing. In India, digital stats are increasing over the years in terms o f internet access, possession o f digital devices, subscription o f social networking sites and increased time devoted to various digital usages. Marketers are adapting fast to digital form at because it is interactive, personalized, relevant, informative and cost effective. FMCG, BFSI and Automobiles have been consistently ranked as the top digital spenders o f the country fo r last five years. Consumers are attracted towards the digital medium because it is attractive, easy to use, engaging and offers customers the relevant content by recognizing them as an individual having unique needs rather than being a faceless member o f the masses. The present study is an attempt to understand the attitudinal beliefs o f digital marketing communication in Indian car market. The study is based on primary and secondary data. Secondary data were reviewed extensively to understand the characteristics o f digital marketing. Primary data are collected from 801 respondents using area wise proportionate sampling from Delhi. Reliability o f the scale was checked with the help o f Cronbach’s Alpha. One sample Wilocoxon Signed Rank Test was applied as test o f significance

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