2Professor Jagan Institute of Management Studies
The alarming rate o f depleting limited natural resources is forcing inhabitants o f the earth to find solution to the issue on a war footing. From Rio Summit to Rio+20 Summit to other brain storming sessions at regional and local level, stakeholders are striving hard to find a solution to the ecological imbalances and ways to restore environmental degradation. Are efforts at the macro-level being percolated to the bottom o f the pyramid? It is essential to identify micro-level behavioural insights including psychological and socio-cultural factors that form the fabric o f any society. This study aims to capture individual consciousness in accepting such practices that lead to sustainability. The paper discusses responses o f the people in the city o f Delhi to the strategies adopted fo r regulating environmental pollution due to vehicle movements. A survey was conducted on residents o f Delhi to share their opinion on Odd Even Scheme, a road rationing initiated by the Government o f Delhi to bring down armingly hazardous levels o f pollutional. Data were evaluated with statistical techniques. The responses were mixed and indicated that constant motivation and reinforcement were needed to bring effectiveness. However the level o f social engagement due to the scheme was commendable