1Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, AMU, Aligarh and Assistant Professor, Amity Global Business School, Amity University, Noida, UP , 2Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, AMU, Aligarh , 3Associate Professor, AIMA, Centre for Management Education, New Delhi.
Increased rate of internet penetration has tremendously impacted online buying in general and the corporate working in particular. Development of online retailing sets opportunity as well challenges for both the marketer and for consumers. Youngster have been specially reported as the major adopters of online buying. Insights into online buying as well as the impact of various consumer demographic characteristics have become important for the marketer as well as for the academician to understand and predict future of online purchase. In this context, this paper aims to investigate influence of demographic characteristics of university students on their online buying behaviors. This exploratory research is primarily oriented towards university students who have access to internet via any devices e.g. computers, mobile phones, tablet etc. Data were collected through survey method from Delhi NCR. IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Statistics Ver. 20 was used for data analysis and interpretation of results. Students’ characteristics, e.g. gender, stay-hostler vs. non-hostler, stream- technical vs. non-technical, studies level- undergraduate vs. post graduate were studied as significant factors under demographics. The insights from current study are useful for the online marketer developing digital marketing strategies designed specifically for growing young population in India. Results of the study show that the male students are positive about online buying. Education and pocket money too are positively and significantly associated factors with online buying