Review of Professional Management
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First Published 31 Dec 2020.
Article Information Volume 18 Issue 2 July-December, 2020

Research Scholars, Academicians, and Management experts from the Corporate, Public Sector and the Government are invited to contribute research papers for publication in the coming issue of our NDIM Journal. The institute has embarked upon the publication of the Research Journal “Review of Professional Management” (ISSN:0972- 8686) way back in 2003 with the objective of dissemination of knowledge and new developments in diverse areas of management science. Since then, it is one of the most recognized referred journal. Recently, the journal is listed in Ulrich periodical Directory Published by Pro Quest, USA. The journal has emerged as a forum for management professionals serving the Government, Industry and Academia to share their experiences and findings in the interdisciplinary areas of management. Re0search activities occupy an important place at NDIM to forge a strong relationship between research and its applications in real life business situations. The journal prefers online submission through the journal website

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