Review of Professional Management
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Gandhi L1 , Kannadas S2

First Published 31 Dec 2020.
Article Information Volume 18 Issue 2 July-December, 2020

1Asst. Professor (OB/HRM) , 2Asst. Professor (Finance), SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA.


The objective of this paper is to find out the impacts of Faculty Development Investment on enhancing Job Motivation and Satisfaction among management faculty. In this paper, convenient sampling is adopted to collect the relevant primary data by using a structured questionnaire. This paper is divided into five sections: the first section includes introduction of the study stating necessity of the study supported by the relevant literatures, in the second section, review of existing literature are presented and this is followed by Research methodology in section three stating objective of the study, sampling design, sampling technique, data collection instruments. Relevant primary data are obtained by using questionnaire and secondary data are gathered from books, journals, magazines, and other published sources. The subsequent fourth section reports the analysis and findings of the study; the authors have analysed data collected from the management faculty in South India. Collected data are analysed by using appropriate statistical tools such as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and Regression analysis. Discussions and conclusions are presented in section five. Major findings of the study are Faculty Development programmes have high and significant impacts on intention of improving class performance by the faculty through four dimensions (namely, motivation variables, Performance variables, capability enhancement and skills development). Also, Faculty Development programmes plays a crucial role in Job satisfaction through four dimensions such as self-satisfaction, skill development, improving job Ecosystem and career advancements. These in turn helps updating innovative and attractive teaching pedagogies in the organization. The analysis revealed that there is a good scope in conducting further research on the topic by identifying different sectors and zones.

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