Mindset has multifarious connotations at present, but it was developed by Carol Dweck1 by contrasting different beliefs about where our abilities came from. The concept got popularised with publication of her book on Mindset in 2006. Sustainability mindset has been defined as "a way of thinking and being that results from a broad understanding of the ecosystem from social sensitivity, an introspective focus on our personal values and higher self and finds its expression in actions for the greater good of the whole"?. Sustainability mindset has been garnering attention of academia and industry in recent years due to growing concern about ecological and societal dimensions, as the purpose of business has undergone change over time from common wealth (self-interest & rational self-interest) of Adam Smith3 to shareholder interest (Alfred*, 1999) and further to stakeholder interest (Freeman3, 1984). Also, focus has shifted to business practices concerned with environmental degradation, climate change and alternative energy.