Review of Professional Management
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R. Dhaneesh1

First Published 12 Dec 2023.
Article Information Volume 21, Issue 2 December 2023
Corresponding Author:

R. Dhaneesh, Department of Management Studies, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology, Erachakulam, Tamil Nadu 629901, India.

1Department of Management Studies, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology, Erachakulam, Tamil Nadu, India

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This article provides an overview of stress management interventions (SMIs) and the evidence that they improve employee well-being. The objective of this study is to identify the individual-level stress (personal) and stress at an organisational level (workplace) and to suggest certain intervention techniques at primary and secondary levels to reduce it. To begin, we create a classification system for SMI, as it is taught in accordance with degree (i.e., the personal stage or the organisational stage) and recognition (i.e., a ‘number one’ focus on changing the causes of stress or a ‘secondary’ or ‘tertiary’ attention on lowering stress itself). Relaxation methods, cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT) and mindfulness training are all examples of secondary character-stage SMI (such as implementing new organisational policies and procedures) and are subcategories of SMI based on how widely they have been proven to work (e.g., process redesign, adjustments to running time schedules). There is a lot of data to support these two SMI techniques, but the study concludes by strengthening the evidence base for SMI treatments requiring a good methodological design, as well as improved knowledge on the context and people in which SMIs are most successful, how SMIs are administered and long-term effects of SMIs. Therapy for mental health issues, stress management and CBT study was carried out from June to August 2022.


Stress management intervention, relaxation method, cognitive behavioural treatment. mindfulness training and cognitive behavioural therapy


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