Review of Professional Management
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Syed Md. Faisal Ali Khan1 and Azhar Khan2

First Published 23 Dec 2024.
Article Information Volume 22, Issue 2 December 2024
Corresponding Author:

Syed Md. Faisal Ali Khan, Department of MIS, CBA, Jazan University, Ministry of Education, Jizan 45142, Saudi Arabia.

1 Department of MIS, CBA, Jazan University, Ministry of Education, Jizan, Saudi Arabia

2 Saraswati Institute of Management and Technology, Richchha, Uttarakhand, India

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Several studies have examined the link between transformative leadership and professional success, but the role of self-efficacy in moderating this relationship has not been fully explored. This study aimed to examine the influence of self-efficacy on the association between transformational leadership and job performance using a sample of employees from various organisations. The data was analysed using SMART PLS4. The results illustrate that self-efficacy significantly moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and job performance. Specifically, individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy have more robust and favourable correlation between transformational leadership and job performance compared to those with lower levels. This study highlights the importance of self-efficacy in enhancing the impact of transformational leadership on job performance and provides valuable insights for organisations to improve their leadership practices and employee outcomes.


Transformational leadership, job performance, self-efficacy, moderating effect, organisational effectiveness, employee engagement


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