1 Institute of Management Studies, RGSC, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, Balicha Campus, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
3 Independent Researcher, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
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The circular economy has emerged as a new paradigm for sustainability. The ‘take-make-reutilise’ concept of the circular model is considered to be far more superior to the traditional ‘take-make-dispose’ linear model. The concepts of circular economy and sustainability are closely related; the circular economy is considered a driver to more sustainable business. Our existing global food system is highly unsustainable. Roughly, one-third of the total food produced gets lost or waste at different stages of food supply chain. Further, the agriculture sector is also a victim of and a major contributor to climate change. Hence, our food system is in urgent need of transformation from the existing unsustainable to be made more sustainable and healthier. So, it is critically important to adopt circular economy-driven sustainability practices in the food industry and its supply chain. While there have been many studies in the past which built conceptual knowledge on the circular economy and sustainable food business practices, rarely any study attempts to investigate the perception of food business managers/executives by integrating both concepts.
The article analyses the circular-economy driven sustainability adoption practices in the food supply chain. Based on the survey of managers and business executives of 26 selected food companies in India, the study investigates the managerial perception on sustainability adoption practices in food supply chain. The findings indicate that food business managers and executives believe that adoption of sustainable practices is extremely important for food business sustainability. However, their sustainability adoption practices were found to be on moderate level across the food supply chain. The major recommendation is that the government should take the proactive approach to educate the agri-food industry particularly the traditional food enterprises including SMEs about the benefits of the adoption of circular economy and sustainability approaches. Policy-based initiatives are required to develop the enabling conditions in terms of provision of necessary infrastructure, delivering technical-know, promoting innovations and extending the financial support for successful adoption of circular economy-driven sustainability practices by agri-food sector and its supply chain.
Food production, sustainable production, food supply chain, circular economy, managerial perceptions, sustainability in emerging markets
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