1Publisher: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited Price : The Indian Reprint Rs. 495.00 (Original US Edition Rs. 3730)
The text of this book for a financial management introductory class is built around 10 basic principles of finance, and emphasizes both valuation and the capital markets and their influence on corporate financial decisions. Harley-Davidson is used as an ongoing case example to introduce chapter topics. With its exciting introduction of the Harley-Davidson focus company theme, this book continues to provide a solid, enduring foundation of the tools of modern theory while at the same time developing the logic behind their use. The "10 Principles of Finance" provide the framework, or "the big picture" of finance, which ties the major concepts of the book together. The main feature of the book which makes it different from other books is the "10 Principles of Finance". These also appear in in-text inserts called" relate to the big pictures". These inserts serve to refocus the students attention on the underlying principles behind what is being done. The other important feature is the integrated problems given at the end of each chapter which include all the concepts covered in a particular chapter. These comprehensive problems can also be used by teachers as a review tool.