Review of Professional Management
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V.K. KoUi1 , K. Ravi Chandran2

First Published 30 Dec 2004.
Article Information Volume 3, Issue 2 July-December-2005

1Sr. Project Officer. AICTE, New Delhi

2AICTE, New Delhi


Any business operation aims at acliieving tlie pre-determined goals in terms of reduction of costs, or increase in profits, eniiancing the stalcehoiders' value and many more. Tlie underlying process in these strategic decisions is well-planned, full proof and focuses on the return on investments. Human Resource is a discipline & function where quantification in monetary terms is difficult to determine because the object under study i.e. the human being is very dynamic and unique. We attempted to study a significant portion of this vast field of research through functions like Training & Development, Talent Management and Float Management. There are methods to evaluate the functions for their efficiency & effectiveness e.g. Questionnaires, Feedback survey, Evaluation forms etc.

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