1Dean of the Faculty Institute of Business Management, C.S.J.M. University, Kanpu
2Faculty, Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, Plot No. 6, Sector 25, Rohini. New Delhi-110085
Motivating employees remains the most difficult task for all managers. Getting things done through others requires a great deal of motivation so that people do the task in a committed and enthusiastic manner. Researches on motivational aspects are carried in large numbers because underneath it lies the knowledge of w/hy people do things they do? One of the earliest notable contributions in this area is that of Abraham Maslow. He postulated the theory of "Hierarchy of Needs" in explaining the human behaviour. This theory was later challenged by some other behaviourists on the account of insufficient data and concept of hierarchy but it is still one of the key concepts in motivation taught to all managers. Motivation like other phenomenon associated with management was present since time immemorial. Nobody can survive without doing anything and nothing is done without motivation. India is considered one of the richest countries in culture, traditions and ethos and has one of the oldest histories of unbroken culture. Our ancient texts provide a rare glimpse of the life, traditions and values of our ancestors. These texts are rich in philosophical teachings, many of which form the basis of modern day management principles. India has its own theories on motivation and at times its in consonance with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This article tries to collect some evidences of these theories from our ancient texts and their relevance to the modern management.