Review of Professional Management
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M.V. Sastry1

First Published 31 Dec 2004.
Article Information Volume 2, Issue 2 July-December-2004

1Retd. DG(RD), MoST The Author is Receipient of 'Shri Ram Award' for one of his articles


Victory tends to go to those who try to accomplish tlieir tasks come what may. They have relentless enthusiasm and confidence in themselves. They do not get dis heartened with a failure but they learn a lesson and make a stronger plan. When they undertake a work, they are clear about their goal. When faced with difficulties on the way, they find solutions and move ahead with stronger determination and greater enthusiasm. They are neither egoistic/arrogant nor are they afraid of making a mistake. They try to take care to see that the mistakes are not repeated. They always carry a positive attitude and put in sustained effort. With such an approach, they are certain to achieve all reasonable things they desire. An attempt has been made to cover here some points that will help to get optimum results, be it in facing an interview, carrying the people along, being courageous, facing difficulties / reality, carrying the company to great heights etc.

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