1Faculty Member & Head, Schoo Managemeni Studies, ICAT, Universitas Nurtanio, Bandung, (Currenll\ on leave from NDIM New Delhi),2Project Consultant (Finance) IFS India Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mumhai, India.
Managing one's investments, especially when one has a financial surplus of even a few hundred dollars, is not a strenuous deed in the contemporary business climate. In furtherance to the same notion, the paper investigates the affluence and the actionable benefits associated with the mutual fund investments. Along with reviewing various literatures of topical interest, the paper initiates a serious discussion on the vitality of the key factors affecting an individual's choice for a particular mutual fund. A Mutual Fund Investment Decision (ID_^,) Function IS also being duly proposed to provide a framework to the investors to strategize their decisions in making a particular mutual fund investment. The function incorporates the essentially inevitable factors that drive an investor's decision choices for mutual funds. Moreover, a two-factor decision matrix based on Fund Size and NAV Returns, which culminates pnmarily from the ID^, Function, is also constructed with the one-amongstmany intention of helping the investors assess and reassess their mutual funds investment inertia.