Review of Professional Management
issue front

Prabir Kumar Mitra1

First Published 31 Dec 2006.
Article Information Volume 4, Issue 2 July-December-2006

The entire paper is the personal view of the author and it should not he taken as the views of the organization to which the author belongs.


Sharing of knowledge, resource and dissemination of information is the need of the day. In today's scenario, anything and everything needs to be made available on Internet and therefore it needs to be web compatible. This paper takes a holistic view about the few viable issues which are directly or indirectly related to a good website designing. Some of these are termed as micro level issues which affect directly and the rest are macro level issues which have an impact on the organization grovrth and thereby in the website designing. Micro level issues are basically focusing on conducing environment, coordination within the team etc. where as macro level issues refer to management issues in terms of knowledge management andcross functional management.


Website Development, Conducive Environment, Cross-functional Management, Knowledge Management

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