Review of Professional Management
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Dr. Sunil Gupta1

First Published 30 Jun 2008.
Article Information Volume 6, Issue 1 Jan-June-2008

1National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research


Corporate branding and company image does have a positive impact on loyalty provided the organization maintains its trustworthiness and credibility. Other drivers of loyalty are habit and experience. Doctors consider corporate branding to be important for the pharmaceutical industry. Companies have been successful in positioning themselves to some extent, which is reflected in the image perception of companies amongst the respondents. The importance of the sales representatives is significant and seems to be the main media by which to make the respondents link companies to products as other activities are objective without any product promotion (educational programmes, scientific meetings etc). A positive corporate image of companies does seem to have an impact on prescribing behavior and loyalty. However, familiarity with drugs habit is decisive factor in relation to their prescribing when choosing between almost similar drugs.

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