Review of Professional Management
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G Ramesh1

First Published 30 Jun 2009.
Article Information Volume 7, Issue 1 Jan-June-2009

1Senior Lecturer, Department of Commerce and Business Administration Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University


Over the past three decades, there has been a substantial increase in work due to rapid growth of technology and intense work environment. With global recession, employees are under pressure to work hard and more, in all organizations. Management experts forecasted that application of new and advanced technologies would reduce the workload and provide executives more time to spend with family members. However, in reality, advancements in work styles elevated workload to unprecedented heights. With the International economy showing signs of recession and snowballing growth, employees in almost industries are made to work for long hours. Madeline Bunting, in her book "Willing Slaves -How the overwork culture is ruling our lives" stated that Americans have increased their average working hours to a considerable level due to the pressures of corporate world and increased competition. It is reported that the average weekly work per person shows an increase of 30 hours in recent years. Due to the apprehension of loss of job and its income, professionals are under peak pressure to work extra hours. Globally, this phenomenon has become a challenging issue. While becoming productive at work is, undoubtedly, a worthwhile goal for them, having a fuller and more balanced life is even better. Many times, professionally successful people, in the quest for reaching the top or retaining their superior positions work very hard that they miss out on the real pleasures of life. For many top notch professionals, work is something that has taken much of their time and energy that they resent rather than enjoying it. They don't understand that while it is great to have a flourishing career, it is greater to have a life outside work.

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