1Principal, SS Shasun Jain College fo r Women, (Affiliated to the University o f Madras)
Heightened competition world wide has raised the performance expectation o f organizations which women still fin d it difficult to meet. Women have equal access to higher education but are not treated equally in comparison to their male counterparts while climbing the corporate ladder. Their biological differences, fam ily culture and belief are the limiting factor. There are also many stereotype beliefs which are hindering women from breaking the glass ceiling. For women, struggle at work and home seem to occupy her entire life. Despite many historical achievements by women, these hold little promise fo r the women in their long standing battle fo r economic quality. This study aims to understand the hindrances perceived by women themselves with regard to their management capabilities. The objective o f this study is to analyze the leadership attribute perceived to be present in them by the women employees. This study also attempts to test whether the perception o f women about their leadership capabilities are dependent on their age, social status and their education.