Review of Professional Management
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Ritika Gugnani1

First Published 30 Jun 2011.
Article Information Volume 9 Issue 1 January-June-2011

1Assistant Professor Jaipuria Institute of Management


The research focuses on the customer equity for cellular operators in India by understanding what drives each one and to what degree. This can be used as a tool for decision making for allocation of available company resources for different marketing campaigns. Knowing the drivers and their relative weights helps managers to predict the impact of specific brand building actions on the customer equity. The focus of this research is the Customer Equity, i.e. sum of the lifetime values of the firm’s customers. But as proved by many researches that the customer lifetime value is driven by consumer choices and these choices depend on certain considerations. This empirical research has focused on finding these considerations for cellular operators in India. The results will help managers to understand how consumer’s perceptions are affected by these drivers and in turn can be linked to the tendency of consumers to change the cellular operators.

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