Review of Professional Management
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Sangeeta Dodrajka1, Tanya Goel2

First Published 30 Jun 2012.
Article Information Volume 10 Issue 1 (January-June-2012)

1Associate Professor Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce,

2Senior Hr Officer, Intrertek international


The Internet has become an epitome of the concept of free-market and companies are making use of this platform to promote their products. Some companies enter into the internet marketing not just to sell but to increase product recognition. Huge amount of money is spent by these companies for promotion of their products through internet. Unfortunately, till now, many companies tend to underestimate the effectiveness of internet marketing. Some of them think that by making a website and posting an ad here and there, are good enough a strategy for selling their products. Companies would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to create a site but after a few months, would find out that there is no return on this investment since nobody seems to be buying in response to internet ads. Others would hire people to create a site that would have drawn a massive traffic, but their sales targets were not met. The present study is an attempt to gauge the efficacy of internet marketing with special reference to Indian customers and their reactions to marketing through internet. According to a survey, Indian customers mostly purchased products like automobiles, car, mobile phones, apparel, electronic gadgets, furniture and other household products through internet. There is a need for an effective strategy in order to make internet B to C segment of internet marketing more active.


Internet marketing, effectiveness, Indian consumer, marketer, sales target

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