1Department of Commerce, Pachaiyappa’s College for Women, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India
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The behaviour of employees in an organisation can be of two types, namely defined role behaviour and extra role behaviour. Defined role behaviour means performing as per their official duties and rights, whereas extra role behaviour means doing something beyond their official work, out of their own interest without expecting any benefit in return. This means they will neither get recognition nor any monetary benefit for such behaviour. This kind of extra role behaviour is called organisational citizenship behaviour. Many of the researches have proved that this kind of behaviour of employees help the organisation achieve its objectives and maintain healthy organisational climate. Much research has been done on the determinants of organisational citizenship behaviour. This study is being carried out with the aim of finding out the relationship of emotional intelligence and the organisational citizenship behaviour among the college teachers working in arts and science stream. A total of 288 teachers working in various aided colleges, government colleges, self-financing colleges and deemed-to-be universities offering arts and science stream at Kancheepuram district have been chosen for the study. Self-assessment report of emotional intelligence based on Daniel Goleman’s mixed model and organisational citizenship behaviour based on the concept of Podsakoff have been adapted in this study. Statistical tools used in this study are correlation, one-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression. This study has divulged a moderate positive relationship among the various dimensions of emotional intelligence and the organisational citizenship behaviour. It is also perceived that emotional intelligence dictates 41% variance of organisational citizenship behaviour among the college teachers.
Organisational citizenship behaviour, emotional intelligence, college teachers
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