1Ph.D. Research Scholar, Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala Assistant Professor, NDIM, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi. Ph.D Guide: Dr. Navdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, GNDEC, Ludhiana
Customers’ complaints are a part of business life of any corporate entity and so is a major concern for Indian Banks. With the upcoming privatization and globalization of banks in India, there is a considerable increase in the volume of disputes between the customers and banks. A complaint redressal system is a procedure for receiving, registering and disposing of grievances expressed by a customer. Prevailing competition in the banking sector, increasing expectations of the customer in terms of facilities, high degree of personalisation, fast delivery of service, etc. have imposed pressure on banks to facilitate an efficient “Complaint Redressal System” in order to provide prompt and satisfactory solutions to customer complaints. Advent of technology has not only enabled banks to provide varied types of services but it has also led to more complex and diversified complaints raised by the customer. This research paper study the ‘Complaint Redressal’ system in Indian Banks to receive and redress the customers' complaints, has been analysised and a comparison has been drawn between private and public sector banks in India with special reference to ICICI Bank (private sector bank) and SBI (public sector bank). An attempt has been made to discover the major reasons for customers ‘complaints, efficiency of Indian banks to handle complaints and proposed suggestions to reduce grievances of bank customers and improve the efficiency of complaints redressal system. Complaint Redressal System, Customer, Bank, Complaint, Grievance