1Research Scholar in School of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram,
2Associate Professor in School of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram
The rapid growth of the internet and e-commerce provide new opportunities for the retailer to enter into a new form of business format namely E- Retailing. E-Retailing is the term which refers to the selling of goods and services electronically through internet. Now, E-retailing integrates the business worldwide opening up huge opportunity to connect with the customer. In this format of business, information on Price is more transparent and the choices are much more than those available in retail stores. The research explores reasons for choosing online shopping option and main factors affecting the consumer choice for online shopping. On the basis of the sample survey administered on the selected customers of Chennai, Tamilnadu, the Consumer perception towards online shopping has been observed and analysis on the customer’s loyalty towards certain website has been carried out in this paper. Major findings are that (i) Presently, most of the consumers started giving priority towards their convenience, which is provided through on line shopping option, (ii) most of them shifted to on line shopping due to lack of time occurring for change in lifestyle . This study will help retailers to effectively enhance their business if they choose to have presence in the on line mode of business.
Convenience, Consumer perception, E-Retailing, Loyalty