1Dr. V.N. Srivastava, Professor (HR & OB), New Delhi Institute of management, New Delhi, Consultant (HR & OD), Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad & Director, OD Skill Development Academy, Gurgaon,
2Dr. V.N. Srivastava, Professor (HR & OB), New Delhi Institute of management, New Delhi, Consultant (HR & OD), Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad & Director, OD Skill Development Academy, Gurgaon
Training and development initiatives are today seen as a panacea for improving individual, group and organizational performance improvement. Over the last several years, there has been a large increase in training and development expenditure. This has enabled organizations to conduct a large number of effective training programs for their employees. While there have been positive outcomes of these training efforts, research finds that there is still scope to improve positive outcome through increase in training efforts further. Also, dilution in training inputs vis-a-vis the expected impacts from the training efforts has been observed. In current environment of global competition and role of human resources in the organization for survival and growth , organizations cannot but hope relatively better impacts and hence have been increasing budget for training progrogrammes. Thus, the current paper is an attempt to suggest the measures to the organizations to achieve excellence enrooted through training outcomes. The paper deliberates on some issues that can help getting high impacts from training resulting in developing high performing employees and hence organizations. Keywords: Human resource excellence. Training and development initiatives, strengthening HRD, multi-skilling, good HRD programs. Competence, competency development