Review of Professional Management
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Samir Kapur1

First Published 30 Jun 2020.
Article Information Volume18 Issue 1 January-June, 2020

1Director, Adfactor, PR


World has been disrupted by Covid-19 affecting lives and livelihood. This paper intends to portray how in pre-covid-19, the consumer’s awareness and technology leveraged the markets for both good and services, increased competition as market players started using various platforms such as e-commerce, m-commerce, s-commerce. While during covid, markets have shrunk to bare minimal, the world is already prepared to bounce back mainly because world and India are technologically well prepared to serve the market in various platforms which covid cannot destroy. As the new forms of markets are emerging, market leaders are also changing strategies of branding, creating brand values to be in the fore front and build trust among the techno savvy aware consumer. Yet keeping up in the fore front of creating brand image needs collaboration of a number of experts such as strategist, supply chain experts, scientist and big data analysts. This has been possible in pre-corvid situation and will be carried on in post covid period also. The paper is based on the observations made by leading market research organisations.

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