Review of Professional Management
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First Published 30 Nov 2003.
Article Information Volume 1, Issue 1 November-2003

1Assistant Professor, NDIM


Six-Sigma is a business concept that answers customers' demand for high quality and defect-free business processes. Customer satisfaction and its improvement should be the highest priorities of any business. In other words, Six-Sigma is about abandoning the uncertainty of goals and forecasts. It is also a statistical measure of process capability that lets you measure the quality of your business' products and services. A level of six-sigma (about 3 defects per every million) represents the highest quality - virtually all products and business processes are defect-free. But most companies today function at only 3-4 Sigma and lose 10-15% of their total revenue due to defects. 4-sigma still means 6,210 defects per million opportunities!

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